Citizens of the World: Political Engagement and Policy Attitudes of Millennials across the Globe
The book explores the political attitudes and behaviors of Millennials, in comparison to older adults, across eight countries: Australia, Chile, Mexico, New Zealand, South Africa, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The book argues that Millennials share a core persona, one that differentiates between a traditional and emerging global identity that shapes news consumption, political attitudes, civic engagement, public service, and beliefs about the ability to enact political change. As Millennials begin their rise to positions of leadership around the world, evidence from the Global Millennial Survey suggests that they will bring a new approach to how they address the world’s challenges.
The Politics of Millennials: Political Beliefs and Policy Preferences of America's Most Diverse Generation
The book offers a first of its kind analysis of the Millennial Generation’s political attitudes and policy preferences. The book utilizes data from multiple original surveys, as well as from extensive, original focus group interviews, to explore how the Millennial Generation identity or frame affects this cohorts political attitudes. The findings show that important and unique characteristics of the Millennial Generation significantly and substantively affect this cohort’s political attitudes, policy preferences, and levels of political engagement, which have meaningful implications for the current and future U.S. political landscape.
Latinos in the Legislative Process: Interests and Influence
The rapid growth of the U.S. Latino population necessitates an exploration into how well this group’s increased presence translates into legislative influence. How important is it that Latinos get elected to legislative bodies, what difference do they make once they are there, and what type of representation do Latino legislators provide their constituents? In one of the only in-depth accounts of Latino legislative behavior, the book offers insights into the variable role of ethnicity at different stages of the legislative process. The results are consequential for the way Latinos are represented.